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Research for Palliative Care Clinicians


The “Research for Palliative Care Clinicians” program with Ref. 2020-1-RO01-KA202-080128 is being performed within the context of Erasmus+ Programme, Key Action 2 – Strategic Partnerships-VET as a joint venture of the following Institutions:

The program aims to introduce basic research competences to day-to-day practice of palliative care clinicians.

Α curriculum will be designed and implemented (pilot phase) which will enable clinicians of all relevant specialties to value the importance of integrating research to clinical practice, to increase their research capacity both in reading/evaluating research and in conducting their own research and thus to improve the quality of the services provided to patients. Dissemination of the result will also be included in the project.

Duration: 2 years (1st December 2020 – 30th November 2022).

The tasks of the 1st Intellectual Output have been completed. A Framework of Core Research Competencies for Palliative Care Clinicians has been produced. 

Core Research Competencies – Framework

The notion of competence corresponds to the ability to apply knowledge and skills to successfully perform an activity at work.

Core Research Competencies - Infographic

  • Assess your research competency based on the Framework ENGRSPRO

Self-Assessment Quiz on Core Research Competencies - Infographic

Webinar 1

Prof. Catherine Walshe, «Tips for a good journal paper».

Webinar 2

Prof. Sheila Payne & Dr. Stephen Mason, «Interactive session with participants on writing a good journal paper».

Webinar 3

Prof. Dr. Carlos Centeno Cortés & Dr. Stephen Mason , «How to integrate and organize Journal Clubs within your palliative care clinical team».

Webinar 4

Dr. Charles von Gunten, «Experiencing Journal Clubs: Ηοw to generate interest and engagement at the level of the clinical team».

  • How to bring research in the daily clinical palliative care practice EN, RO
  • Critical reading and academic writing – Lesson Plan EN, RO
Play Video about aim and objectives

Aim and objectives

Play Video

Research method

Play Video

Justification of the research

Play Video

Problem statement

Guideline for developing your research proposal EN, GR, RO

Ε1. Research for all palliative care clinicians – Core research competencies framework for the multidisciplinary palliative care team

RESPACC: Research for all palliative care clinicians. Core research Competencies framework for the multidisciplinary palliative care team.

ERASMUS+: 2020-1-RO01-KA202-080128

Event host organization: Navarra University

Date and place: 17th Feb 2022, Zoom/ Navarra University

University of Navarra organized a hybrid (face-to-face and online) multiplier event. The event was promoted in advance on different communication channels (Project Facebook, Twitter & website, partners’ website, EAPC networks etc.).

The aim of this multiplier event was to engage stakeholders and experts, to discuss and provide feedback and input regarding the framework developed in O1, in order to prepare documentation for white-paper with recommendation of including core research competencies in PC clinicians’ training.

The structure of the event was as follow:

  1. Session with a Clinician-Researcher in Palliative Care
  2. Project presentation, highlighting the achievements.
  3. Core research competencies for PC clinicians – participants review, working in 3 groups: experts, palliative care health care professionals and educators
  4. Introductory session on qualitative research

Through this multiplier event, we targeted delegates from Spanish and Portuguese speaking countries where palliative care is being developed, and research is still struggling to be integrated. Additionally, the meeting was open worldwide, to all clinicians with an interest in research in palliative care.

There were 332 registrations, among which 106 were registered in the zoom and 19 attendees face to face, from 17 countries and 2 continents. Participants were from across the Spanish speaking countries.

Using data gathered from registration forms, majority of attendees were from a medical background.

All professionals who registered, received a follow-up email with link to RESPACC project where they can find materials developed during the project and materials (PPTs and Articles) given in the multiplier event and the link of the recording webinar.

mat1mat2mat3mat4mat5mat6mat 7 (ES)

E2: Writing for academic and professional journals

ERASMUS+: 2020-1-RO01-KA202-080128

Event host organizations: HOSPICE Casa Speranței, European Association for Palliative Care (EAPC)

Date and place: 01.10.2022, Bucharest, Romania

HOSPICE Casa Sperantei organized a face-to-face multiplier event, in workshop format. The event was promoted in advance on different communication channels (Project webpage, Facebook, partners’ website, EAPC networks etc.). The event had different sessions that included three sessions dedicated to articles writing for academic journals. Through this multiplier event, we targeted delegates from Romania, where palliative care is being developed, and research is still struggling to be integrated.

The aim of this multiplier event was to build research capacity for clinicians and educators with interest in palliative care research. The main focus was to practice on academic writing, based on materials developed on O2, including useful information from O3 related to the guideline and flowchart for a research proposal developed and from O4 regarding the quantitative and qualitative research designs.

The structure of the event was as follow (for more details see Agenda):

  1. Introduction to workshop, objectives and facilitators, introduction to writing scientific papers for medical journals and writing styles
  2. Structure of papers
  3. Selecting an appropriate journal

All professionals who participated, received a follow-up email with link to RESPACC project where they can find materials developed during the project.

Event materials: AGENDA, Writing for academic and professional journals 1, Writing for academic and professional journals 2, Writing for academic and professional journals 3.

E3: Does research concern palliative care clinicians?

ERASMUS+: 2020-1-RO01-KA202-080128

Event host organization: “Galilee” Palliative Care Unit

Date and place: 15th Oct 2022, Athens, Greece

“Galilee” Palliative Care Unit successfully organized an event to present the results of the RESPACC project. The aim was to empower health care professionals in palliative care research to transform everyday clinical problems into research questions.

“Galilee” hosted in person and online, academics, health care (Doctors, Nurses), other welfare professionals (Social Workers, Psychologists, Physiotherapists) and postgraduate and undergraduate students from 21 organizations already offering or interested in offering education or palliative care services in Greece and Cyprus.

The event had two parts. The main part was focused on the project and second part was focused on Bioethical Challenges during Palliative Care provision, covering all intellectual outputs.

All professionals who registered, received a follow-up email with all the material presented during the multiplier event.

E4. Clinical Challenges, Research, Publication

ERASMUS+: 2020-1-RO01-KA202-080128

Event host organization: HOSPICE Casa Speranței

Date and place: 20th Oct 2022, Poiana Brasov, Romania

HOSPICE Casa Sperantei organized a face-to-face multiplier event, in Poiana Brasov, Romania. The event was promoted in advance on different communication channels (Project webpage, Facebook, ANIP website etc.). The event had the following structure:

  • one session dedicated to clinical challenges and how these are reflected in research, followed by publication of research results, linked to Paliatia Journal and
  • 2 plenary sessions linked to Romanian National Palliative Conference:
    • Plenary session on Palliative Care in Romania-organizational development, education and research
    • Plenary session on How might ehealth and digital technologies impact on palliative care practice and research

The aim of this multiplier event was to inform clinicians and educators with interest in palliative care research about RESPAC project and materials produced and it covered all intellectual outputs.

Through this multiplier event, we targeted delegates from Romania, UK, Netherlands, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Moldova. All professionals who participated (122) received the link to RESPACC project where they can find materials developed during the project.

C1. Introducing palliative care clinicians to critical reading and academic writing, Athens, GREECE (2- 4 May 2022)

Introduction to Philosophy of Science

Science Literacy

Retrieving Relevant Literature for your clinical issue

Critical Reading of scientific text

Understanding the Quality of the article

Publishing your research as an article

Presenting your research at the conference – poster and oral presentation

C2. Translating clinical issues into research projects, Bucharest, ROMANIA (26- 30 September 2022)

What is research
How to do a literature review (Part 1)

How to do a literature review (Part 2)

What are, When and how to use quantitative research

Quantitative research approaches

Making sense of the data

When and how to use qualitative research

Methodology and data collection

Qualitative analysis common aspects of making meaning of data

When and how to use mixed methods

Assessing quality of research

Research ethics (Part 1)

Research ethics (Part 2)

How to implement a research project

What does impact and dissemination mean

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Research for all palliative care clinicians 2020-1-RO01-KA202-080128