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Ask for Galilee’s charity donation box

Every donation is valuable for our patients.

Galilee’s charity donation box is another way of supporting our patients.

You can ask for the Galilee’s charity donation box for: 

  • A family mystery (wedding or baptism – (Donations instead of a present))
  • A ceremony – donation instead of flowers
  • Donations in memory of a person
  • A social, cultural, sporting event you are planning to organize

Donations collected in charity donation boxes are used exclusively for the needs of our patients. If you would like to contribute to “Galilee” by hosting the charity donation box at an event or mystery service, please contact us at +30 210 6635955

Ζητήστε τον Φιλανθρωπικό Κουμπαρά

Αcting alone, we may fail to achieve even small things;
acting together we can achieve anything, both great and small.