Our Interdisciplinary Team

Meet our interdisciplinary team

The driving force of Galilee Palliative Care Centre, as at every other hospice, is its interdisciplinary team. In order to meet the diverse and complex needs of patients and their families, a broad range of professionals (doctors, nurses, psychologists, social workers, and so on) needs to work together on planning and delivering individual care plans for each patient.

Who we are. Get to know the people behind our work. 


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Our interdisciplinary team:

  • Palliative Care Nurses, who provide nursing care and who also give practical advice and psychological support to patients and caregivers. Galilee Palliative Care Centre also has a team of nurses who visit and care for patients in their homes, at the Day Care Centre and in the Hospice.
  • Doctors, who are responsible for medical care and symptom management both at home and at the hospice.
  • A psychologist, who helps patients and caregivers manage the emotional and psychological burden that accompanies a serious illness.
  • Social workers, who help patients manage the practical, legal, and financial matters that may arise, such as claiming a pension and benefits, consolidating debts, and making a will. They are also responsible for liaising with the volunteer service and the bereavement support service.
  • A physiotherapist, who helps patients maintain or improve their strength and mobility, provides advice, and recommends suitable equipment to help make daily life easier for patients at home.
  • An occupational therapist, who helps the patients maintain ther independence and occupies them with creative activities in their homes, and the Day Care Centre and at the Hospice.
  • Nursing assistants, who carry out practical tasks such as personal care and assisting at mealtimes.
  • A priest who is on hand to provide spiritual support and direction to patients and caregivers when requested.

Our interdisciplinary team are supported by:

  • An administration team that looks after the smooth running of the hospice and provides administrative support.
  • Our large team of volunteers.
  • Our cleaning and hygiene
  • Our kitchenaids.