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Galilee participated at the 33rd Multidisciplinary Medical Conference of the 251 Air Force General Hospital, 15 & 16 February

A different and creative collaboration was completed by Galilee. The Interdisciplinary Team of Galilee Palliative Care Centre, presented its findings from their extensive experience in Adult Palliative Care, in the framework of a roundtable on Palliative Care during the 33rd Multidisciplinary Medical Conference of 251 Air Force General Hospital, 15 & 16 February.

Mr. Th. Kalloniatis, MD MSc (c) and Mrs. I. Prasini, RN MSc, MBA, PhD(c) of the Interdisciplinary Team of Galilee Palliative Care Centre, presented the principles of interdisciplinary management of symptoms and problems in Palliative Care and the experiences gathered during 14 years in Galilee, from applying these principles in daily clinical practice.

The topics of the conference covered clinical and non-clinical issues, with a focus on innovative diagnostic and therapeutic approaches applied in 251 Air Force General Hospital. Developments in the fields of Robotic Surgery, Endoscopic Techniques, Infections, Military and Aviation Medicine, Bioethics and Ethics, Palliative Care and Mental Health in the Armed Forces were presented. Twenty-eight speakers (including nine University Professors) participated by presenting in the ten round tables of the conference.

It was a great honour to participate in such a conference. A great thank you, to the organizing committee!

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Click on the image for the detailed conference programme:

*All the participants received a memento of attendance